It's going good! I can absolutely handle the braids! It looks nasty sometimes but I just go with it. No one is commenting on my nasty hair though... and I dont know if it is because reason 1. They dont have a problem with it or 2. They just don't say anything. I thinking nr 2 is the biggest group of people because I walked around with a hat on my head when it was the sunbathing weather and only one person ask why! .... And that was my cousin on snapchat...
I don't really talk about the fact that I don't wash my hair. I just show my boyfriend pictures of people with beautiful WO-hair and dream on!
This week has been just like the first one. A little bit less greasy and harder/taking longer time to get the oils to move down than week one but it's okay. I colored my hair with henna this week and I gotta say that henna and cassia really makes my hair clean! Like wow! Super dry also but YAY for clean! I did not get all of the henna out so I rinsed again on day 7(henna was on day 5 counting from last wo-wash). I did no massaging during any of those washes so the henna did a good job!
Before wash.
And I just gotta say that I make it look really flat from bbb-brushing
so that you can see what it looks like. I do NOT walk around like this.
And I just gotta say that I make it look really flat from bbb-brushing
so that you can see what it looks like. I do NOT walk around like this.
After wash! YAY-CLEAN!
dry ends... :( here I broke the oil-rule and put some coconut oil in the ends..