fredag 26 juni 2015

2 month update......

Coming soon!

Hey people!

Im in the process of making a little 2 month update video! So stay tuned! :)


tisdag 9 juni 2015

Week nine

How I have cheated this week! Not just once.... Twice! 

I was trying to stay happy and content about my hair but the texture of my hair closest to the scalp was just really heavy... When I'm in the shower my scalp-part is really waxy and when I'm out its thick and heavy. Its not going away and its been like this for weeks now. I felt like the oils couldn't keep up with the wax. 

So what did I do? I did an ACV-rince. TWICE this week! 

First time was on tuesday night. I had washed my hair just the day before with WO and didn't like it at all... I had just come home to my parents cause we were going to Venice in the end of the week(still here!) And I though to myself that I would most likely need a rince there because 1. They have hard water. 2. I'm gonna go swimming in salt water. 

Because I had already decided to do the rince I though I might just try to do one in the beggining of the week to, so I did. Tierd of my hair I mixed a bottle, got in the shower and wow! I had forgotten that amazing feeling of ACV-rinse! All soft, I could detangle it in the shower and no waxyness! 

It's a little bit oily and soft in a dull way but I've missed both of those thing so I'm happy! 

I do not consider doing this as a routine but maybe if that waxy stuff is building up again. It's been almost two months since I "washed" my hair and I thing I can do i again! 

I hope ya'll still have faith in me! :p 

Xoxo,  Susanne

Week seven/eight

Hey ho everyone!

Sorry about the late post! Hope you had a nice week! My and my hair had a good one! 

I didn't have energy to wash until sunday so I just left my hair over the weekend in ponytails. I do have some problems with ponytails and braids now since going WO. They all really pull on my hair, makes it hurt and small little hairs go crazy so that isn't really woking anymore to cover up bad hair days! :( I sure hope it will pass! 

Here are some pics from monday morning when my hair was dry! 
It was okey... Bit wierd, waxy, thick feeling in the scalp but okey-looking.

On tuesdag it was henna-time! So here are some pictures from that too! It felt alot better then last time! Not at all as dry or brittle and course as last time! The ends feels dry though but I think they will get along soon. My hair is henna-clean like last time but still needs to be washed again cause I get green/red/brown fingers when I run my hair through my hair for like a week! I might need to wash it out with something more cleaning?

Those eyebrows again..... Haha!