söndag 26 april 2015

week two

Week two! Jippey! Less grease and one rule broken!

It's going good! I can absolutely handle the braids! It looks nasty sometimes but I just go with it. No one is commenting on my nasty hair though... and I dont know if it is because reason 1. They dont have a problem with it  or 2. They just don't say anything. I thinking nr 2 is the biggest group of people because I walked around with a hat on my head when it was the sunbathing weather and only one person ask why! .... And that was my cousin on snapchat...

I don't really talk about the fact that I don't wash my hair. I just show my boyfriend pictures of people with beautiful WO-hair and dream on!

This week has been just like the first one. A little bit less greasy and harder/taking longer time to get the oils to move down than week one but it's okay. I colored my hair with henna this week and I gotta say that henna and cassia really makes my hair clean! Like wow! Super dry also but YAY for clean! I did not get all of the henna out so I rinsed again on day 7(henna was on day 5 counting from last wo-wash). I did no massaging during any of those washes so the henna did a good job!

Before wash.
And I just gotta say that I make it look really flat from bbb-brushing
so that you can see what it looks like. I do NOT walk around like this.

After wash! YAY-CLEAN! 

dry ends... :( here I broke the oil-rule and put some coconut oil in the ends..

torsdag 16 april 2015

week one

One week. My last wash was Tuesday April 7th. That was a CO-wash and that Friday I put some cassia in my hair and did a water only wash. I got acceptably clean acctually! My plan is to wash my hair once a week so that my oils really get down to the ends and stays there for a while before I wash again. Yes. My hair will look like a mess and it did. Oily, quite nasty, it had that greasy-shine-look that everyone hates, dont lie. You hate it.

So first week was braided. Braided braided braided the whole week. I brushed with my wooden brush and BBB once a day and sleept in braides. During the nights my hair gets a lot better! The oilyness goes away a little from sleeping so I tend not to brush it in the moring and just keep that happy brush time to the evening.

In the evening I massage, brush for a long time! Usually during watching an episode of Pretty little liars or so. A lot of hair falls out in this little session but thats OK. It's mainly hair that would have fallen out during the day if it wasn't braided.

This is what it looked like before and after my wash on friday 14th.
Disgusting mess.

 This is just after the first wash. Lots of volume but a wird hardness to the strands so It got it braided again that same night.

lördag 11 april 2015


Hi there cutiepie!

Big warm welcome to my water only journey blog! I've decided to blog about this since it might be good for some one out there in cyber space who wants to get on this water only thang! Maybe you stumbled here on accident or you want to learn some more. Maybe you've done this for a long time och just started. If you've been doing this for a while I will probably not be much help though... but who knows I might just be natural and pro at this!

But what is it thing that I'm doing then? Well I'm going water ony! I've been no poo-ing for 3 years this summer and mainly CO-wash(conditioner only). That worked great but lately my hair has been greasy, flat, annoying, having dry ends just been "KGLKSNGLSNGKLSHAÖFAHFHUYIG!!!!" sometimes... So I'm giving water only a try and hopes that it will give me a more nice feel. I've done this once before in the past, about 1,5 years ago. I lasted 1 month I think. Wasn't that much of a commitment.. more like a test. Liked it then and will do it better this time!

Im not going to let anything touch my hair.
No shampoo.
No conditioner.
No oils.
Notting but water.


I got water.
I got a woden brush.
I got a boar bristle brush.
I got fingers.