tisdag 9 juni 2015

Week seven/eight

Hey ho everyone!

Sorry about the late post! Hope you had a nice week! My and my hair had a good one! 

I didn't have energy to wash until sunday so I just left my hair over the weekend in ponytails. I do have some problems with ponytails and braids now since going WO. They all really pull on my hair, makes it hurt and small little hairs go crazy so that isn't really woking anymore to cover up bad hair days! :( I sure hope it will pass! 

Here are some pics from monday morning when my hair was dry! 
It was okey... Bit wierd, waxy, thick feeling in the scalp but okey-looking.

On tuesdag it was henna-time! So here are some pictures from that too! It felt alot better then last time! Not at all as dry or brittle and course as last time! The ends feels dry though but I think they will get along soon. My hair is henna-clean like last time but still needs to be washed again cause I get green/red/brown fingers when I run my hair through my hair for like a week! I might need to wash it out with something more cleaning?

Those eyebrows again..... Haha!

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